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I had my fingers crossed for Nirvana's happiness from the first chapter until the last. A swiftly-paced adventure and a true romance to melt your heart in winter. Had to stop myself booking an alpine lodge holiday immediately after reading.

Shirley McMillan (A Good Hiding, Every Sparrow Falling, The Unknowns)



Treat yourself to this sparkling Christmas love story and escape to the snow-clad pine forests of the Alps. Jen Burkinshaw gives us witty, warm and charming Niv and Jean-Lou to rout for - perfect for romance fans of all ages.
Anna Mainwaring (Tulip Taylor, Rebel with a Cupcake)
‘Needs to be in everyone’s Christmas stocking’

Full of humour, delightfully fresh phrases, and surprises, IGLOO is a perfect YA Christmas read.

We are in Nirvana’s mindset immediately and we’re rooting for her to become what she is destined to be. We see it, but typically, those closest to her, don’t, or don’t want to admit it. The author’s knowledge shines through in the descriptions of wood, structure, shape and form. Niv wants to be a carpenter, she loves the texture and feel of wood. She loves the structure of the igloo she finds in the woods. We love her for it.

The dialogue is funny, sparky and exciting between the two main characters, and their differences in interests and character are a perfect balance. The fact that they talk about how difficult continuing a relationship when they live in different countries, is the conversation I’ve not seen before in a book.

I really loved the atmosphere of this book, from its language, locations to its heart. 

Ruth Estevez (Meeting Coty, The Monster Belt, Erosion, Jiddy Vardy and Jiddy Vardy High Tide)



A cosy, curl up Christmas read with a hot chocolate and all the toppings!   


 What a lovely story - I wanted to keep reading, find out what happened to them. Such a gentle romance with enough edge so that it's not saccharine and cliché but also with not too much edge that it makes it hard to read or has triggers! This is something that is often hard to find in YA fiction. It was well paced, with great characters and an evocative setting. Most of all I want to know if they make it!! 
The teenage voice was great, enough naivety balanced with a little stroppiness and hot-headedness. Nirvana has a passion for carpentry and now for Jean-Lou. Determined to follow her dreams, she quietly grows in strength in this well paced, evocatively set coming-of-age novel that genuinely made me smile.
Carole Estelle, the Reading Jackdaw, book blogger

Igloo is a heart-warming story of first love set against the stunning backdrop of the French Alps. I was rooting for Niv and her journey from the start! Nirvana is such an inspiration to girls – particularly given the current market – for standing up for what she believes in. A girl who is passionate about joinery and can make an igloo from scratch? And make her own love story happen at the same time? Go Niv!


Eve Chancellor  (poet and author of short stories on East of the Web)



I was totally involved in Niv's story and had to read it to the end. Now I'm quite sorry I've finished. The main characters are wonderful, totally believable and intriguingly complex; the supporting cast are all beautifully realised too.  The descriptive writing is amazing too. I wanted to visit that igloo myself! 


Bob Stone (author of The Missing Beat Trilogy, Letting the Stars Go and The Custodian of Stories)

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